Thursday, December 9, 2010

Another year

And so, another summer has come and gone. Another winter is upon us. Tomorrow I'll be 66, a year older. One year fewer left, I suppose. That kind of thought sneaks into my consciousness more often lately.

But tonight I feel good, in mind and heart and spirit. And, by the grace of God, I'm physically healthy too. Today was a good day, filled with learning, accomplishment and connections. I see progress in my spiritual life, more conscious awareness of my oneness with all of the rest of creation. It's not something I've "got" now, nor do I think I will ever feel that way. But I'm more open to other lives and other souls as we meet, or even pass each other each in the course of a day. And, slowly, so very slowly, I'm growing in my acceptance of today as it is, as it has been given to me, and to knowing that it is good, just as it is.

So now to sleep. And tomorrow, as my eyes open on a new perfect day of sobriety, awareness and mindful presence to all the people and happenings that come to share the day with me, I will thank God for my wonderful wife, for all my amazing children and grandchildren, and for the gift of breath and day at a time.

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